Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Dario Paez

Dario Paez

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Dario Paez was born in Chile but received his Ph.D. from the University of Louvain, Belgium, in 1983 and is currently Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Basque Country in Spain. He has published numerous studies on the mental health, collective memory and social identity of refugees, migrants, and others who have been exposed to traumatic events, and is currently working on the impact of collective violence on culture and emotional climate and on collective processes of coping with traumatic political events.

Primary Interests:

  • Aggression, Conflict, Peace
  • Culture and Ethnicity
  • Emotion, Mood, Affect
  • Life Satisfaction, Well-Being

Research Group or Laboratory:

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Journal Articles:

Other Publications:

  • Igartua, J., & Paez, D. (1997). Art and remembering traumatic collective events: The case of the Spanish Civil War. In J. Pennebaker, D. Paez and B. Rimé (Eds.), Collective memory of political events. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Marques, J., & Paez, D. (1994). The "black sheep effect": Social categorization, rejection of ingroup deviates, and perception of group variability. European Review of Social Psychology, 5, 37-68.
  • Marques, J., Paez, D., & Serra, A. (1997). Collective memory processes associated with traumatic war experiences: Social sharing, emotional climate and the transgenerational transmission of information in the case of the Portuguese colonial war. In J. Pennebaker, D. Paez and B. Rimé (Eds.), Collective memory of political events. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Paez, D., Basabe, N., Valdoseda, M., Velasco, C., & Iraurgui, J. (1995). Confrontation-inhibition, alexithymia and health. In J. Pennebaker (Ed.), Emotion, disclosure and health. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Courses Taught:

  • Cuestiones Especiales: Cultura y Psicologia Social
  • Psicologia Social de la Salud

Dario Paez
School of Psychology Fernandez Concha 700, Las Condes, Región Metropolitana, Chile
Universidad Andres Bello
Campus La Casona
7591538 Santiago

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